Minnows & Manna

Minnows & Manna

The life of an Egret…

Can you imagine

what life would be like

as a Louisiana Egret?

Little k

Little k

The story behind the little red k…

Honey Child

Honey Child

is the name of this piece!
Growin’ up in the South… .
This was a common
term of endearment used…

Green Grass Church

Green Grass Church

Green Grass Church Green Grass Church Be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all generations.        Psalms 100:4 While painting this church… I could see blades of green grass all around it…...
Cow Patty Days

Cow Patty Days

  Growing up in a small southern town… in the middle of nowhere, about an hour away from all urban arenas… It was a place far from distractions … allowing all the little growing minds to intensely explore their childhood wonders. We, as kids, had the unrealized...
Sundays at Seaside

Sundays at Seaside

48 x 36 Framed Mixed Media … $1500.00 contact artist for details Sundays at Seaside A prayer for the one who adopts this piece of art… May your ears be open to sweet whispers of His Holy Spirit which will guide you gently into His Presence Resting… in the...
Grassitude Angel

Grassitude Angel

Her wings are made of flowers…   growing full … from thankful grounds…   blooming prayers of gratitude…   where Hope is finally found!   Her heart was tilled … all sadness milled   To take His fragrant flight…   Hovering over all the ones taking note of...

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