Audubon Series
Opening the window into my thought process during a work in progress piece… Hope you enjoy the ride!
Aug 29, 2022
Opening the window into my thought process during a work in progress piece… Hope you enjoy the ride!
May 23, 2021
Opening the window into my thought process during a work in progress piece… Hope you enjoy the ride!
May 26, 2020
Opening the window into my thought process during a work in progress piece… Hope you enjoy the ride!
Apr 19, 2020
What do angels, teepees & TP have to do with each other?
Feb 5, 2020
“Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul-
and sings the tunes
without the words-
and never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson
Nov 12, 2019
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain one once we grow up.” – Picasso
Jun 24, 2019
Sometimes life leads us on journeys
we never expect to come our way…
May 26, 2019
‘BOUTANOUR…(pronounced… bout-an-hour) It is a term, I remember using as a child to describe the distance from home to our desired destination…
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