A Month of Sundays Angel


Angel Collection  (#5 of 13)

Hand painted angel…
Bring a little joy
to your home
and/or add some Christmas bling
to your tree!!!

“3.5 x 5.5″ mixed media on wood panel


Out of stock



He will cover you with his feathers,

And under his wings

You will find refuge;

His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You will not fear the terror of night,

Nor the arrow that flies by day,

Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side,

Ten thousand at your right hand,

But it will not come near you.

Psalms 91:4-7

A prayer for the one who adopts this piece:

May all the great times 
and ALL the scrappy times
be woven together

with golden threads
by the ultimate

Big Daddy Weaver in the sky…
so that you may be used

as a comforter
to those in need nearby!
In the mighty name of Jesus,

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